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60,000 Visitors to Chungbuk Aquarium Only One Month After Opening
작성일 :
내용 - Continuous popularity among various local communities and age groups -

Chungbuk Aquarium, which opened on May 16th within Daedeok-ri, Goesan-gun (Chungbuk Maritime Park), tallied around 60,000 visitors only one month after its service, rising as the new hub of the Lake Park in the central region.

According to the Chungcheongbuk-do Internal Fisheries Research Institute (Director Lee Jae-jeong), around 60,000 visitors came to Chungbuk Aquarium during only a month-long service since its opening, nearly twice the total population of Goesan-gun.

The trends during the month-long operation show that the aquarium maintains its weekly average visitors above 10,000, excluding closed days such as Monday, attracting around 400 visitors daily during weekdays and around 5,000 daily on public holidays and weekends.

Chungbuk Aquarium has continued to showcase unprecedented performance in garnering interest among various regions and age groups, which is one crucial factor in determining the facility’s success.

In particular, investigations prove that most visitors to the aquarium are from regions outside of Goesan, such as other districts in Chungcheongbuk-do, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Gyeongsang regions.

The reasons for the aquarium’s distinguished success include the exhibition of 4,600 rare freshwater fish, most notably the various kinds of Mandarin fish (golden, white, common) and sturgeons, and the convenience of free viewing and photo booths.

An official of the research institute commented, “We will review the facility’s operation data for the past month and various opinions of visitors to gradually develop the aquarium by expanding convenience facilities for them and providing a wide range of food as well as create diverse and intriguing spaces by devising new exhibition items.”