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Major Industrial Complex in Chungbuk

Major Industrial Complex in Chungbuk - Industrial complex, Main business, Major technology
Industrial complex Main business Major technology
Osong Bio-health Science Technolpolis Medical service, Medicine,Bio Bio technology
Ochang Scientific Industrial Complex IT, S/W, Electronic precision Information technology Bio technology, BIT
Cheongju High-tech Industrial Complex Semiconductor, Electronic/Telecommunication equipment, Food/beverages, Chemicals Information technology
Chungju High-tech Industrial Complex Aviation, Artificial satellites,Space launcher Space technology
Jungwon Industrial Complex New materials New material Technology
Jecheon Industrial Complex Herbal medicine bio, Medical and drug products Bio Technology
Boeun Industrial Complex Gunpowder, Chemicals Technology related with defense industry

Chungbuk High-technology Industrial Belt, Base of national high-technology industries

Located between Seoul and Pusan, the country’s development axis, Chungbuk develops its high-technology industrial belt of Osong-Ochang-Jeungpyeong-Jincheon-Eumseong-Chungju-Jecheon as a national high-technology industrial complex connected to Daejeon and the metropolitan areas.

Foreign Investment Zone

Foreign Investment Zone - Industrial complex, Area (1,000㎢), Main business, Construction period
Industrial complex Area
Main business Construction period
Cheongju Megapolice 1,232 Electronics, IT, BT 2011~2017
Eumseong Gumwang Technovalley 1,054 Metal, Electron, Computer 2016~2018
Eumseong Sungbon Complex 1,975 Electron, Communication, Medical, Parts of an automobile 2013~2019
Jecheon 3nd Industrial Complex 1,122 Food,MedicalanddrugProducts,Machine 2014~2019
Osong Biovalley Complex 4.52 Medical and drug Products, IT, BT 2013~2020
Cheongju aeropolis 0.47 Aircraft parts industry, MRO 2013~2020