본문 바로가기

Information Collection & Consultation


  • 부서 : 보건정책과
  • 문의전화 : 043-220-3144

Basic Information Collection

  • Information on medical tourism infrastructure in Chungbuk (Medical Institutes & medical technology, etc.)
  • Location, climate, and current status of Chungbuk

Related service links

Introduction of Chungbuk medical tourism
Chungbuk Tourism Information

Consultation & Reservation (Consultation & reservation via website, phone, fax or email)

  • Consultation with specialized medical institutes
    • Online and offline consultation & reservation service (Including remote medical care service)
    • Visa service support, airport pick-up & escort service, and introduction of medical tourism products
    • Stay-in nurses and doctors are available for consultation during office hours.
  • Consultation with specialized medical tourism facilitators and travel agencies
    • Online & offline consultation & preservation service
    • Visa service support, airport pick-up & escort service, proxy services for hospital and accommodation reservation, tourism guide service
    • Consultation and reservation service with specialists in medical fields (Consulting doctors, nurses, medical interpreters, legal professionals)

Related service links

Healthcare providers for international patients
International patient coordinators

Tourism Information Collection

  • Chungbuk Tourism Information
    • Information about tourist attractions, themed tours, cultural sites, TV drama shooting sites
  • Accommodation Information
    • Information and location of premium hotels, tourist hotels, resort hotels, budget accommodations
  • Food & Shopping
    • List and location of recommended restaurants in Chungbuk
Chungbuk Tourism Information
International Patient Coordinators
Accommodation Information
Restaurant Information