본문 바로가기

Medical Care Service


  • 부서 : 보건정책과
  • 문의전화 : 043-220-3144

Move to Hospital

  • Services provided by travel agencies and medical tourism facilitators
    • Shuttle service between the accommodation and the hospital provided by travel agencies and medical tourism facilitators
    • This service is optional. Please check with your travel agency or medical tourism facilitator whether it is free of charge or not.


Ambulance service from the accommodation to the hospital for mobility challenged patients.

Related service links

International patient coordinators

Consultation with Medical Staff & Procedure

  • Medical coordinators’ escort service
    • Medical coordinators or staff from an international healthcare center will help with all reservation schedules & medical services for international patients.
    • Medical insurance affiliated service
    • Pre-meetings will be held to help understand the demands of international patients, which will be forwarded to medical staff.
  • Consultation with medical staff & procedure
    • Specialists fluent in foreign languages will conduct consultations with and procedures on international patients, and in consultation with doctors in the patients’ home countries.

Related service links

Medical institutions for international patients
International patient coordinators


  • Hospitalization Treatment
    • Hospitalization treatment will be available in accordance with the results of medical consultation and procedure.
    • One-on-one 24 hour care giving service for VIP

Related service links

Medical institutions for international patients
International Patient Coordinators