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Malogie Hospital


  • 부서 : 보건정책과
  • 문의전화 : 043-220-3143
Malogie Hospital 01
Malogie Hospital 02
Malogie Hospital 03
Malogie Hospital 04
Malogie Hospital 05

Malogie Hospital

Advanced joint treatment, like the World War II lupus hospital

  • Website : madisarang.kr
  • Address : 112, Sangdang-ro, Sangdang-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
  • Phone : +82-43-298-9988
  • E-mail : madi09@madisarang@kr
  • Specialties : Orthopedics, Department of Anesthesia and Pain, Department of Visual Medicine


The hospital suffers from joint diseases through 20 years of clinical experience, consistent research and academic activities, and the medical system accumulated since its opening in 2008.

Medical institution specificity

  • Articular treatment service
    • Doctors as well as nurses, physical therapists, and athletic therapists all have excellent experience in joint treatment.
    • All the processes of articular treatment provide patient and carer with a system of treatment plan to increase satisfaction.
  • A research hospital

    Continuous research and academic activities to improve health care, presentation of more than two papers each year, academic conferences, local institutions, business and local residents.

  • Nonstop Total Services

    The Soma-Love Hospital offers diagnosis, testing, treatment, surgery, and rehabilitation services in one place, making it more convenient for patients.

  • Correct diagnostic system

    The correct diagnosis is the start of the treatment. The joint pain caused by various causes should be corrected first for quick and best results.

  • Advanced non-surgical treatment

    It is highly effective with a wide range of equipment and physical therapists who have extensive clinical training for articular customized treatments.

  • Systematic articular surgery treatment

    Operation is established for abundant surgical experience, high success rate, organized surgery plan for articular surgery, and best results.

  • The above organization is registered as a specialized medical-service provider for foreign patients according to the act on overseas development of medical care article 6.
  • The uploaded information can vary depending on the situation of the organization.
  • The copyright of the emblems used in this Website belongs to the respective providers, and the emblems are used for promotional purposes only.