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  • 부서 : 보건정책과
  • 문의전화 : 043-220-3144
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  • 질문 What is Nasal Septum Rhinoplasty?
    The septum is a vertical partition that divides the nose into two compartments. As it uses autologous tissues, this procedure does not cause any side effects. As septal cartilage is more easily harvested in rectangle shapes than ear cartilage, it is the ideal grafting material to lift the nasal tip. As septal cartilage has stronger tissues than ear cartilage, the grafting will last for a long time. Nasal Septum Rhinoplasty is a premium procedure that not only enhances the cosmetic appearance of the nose but also restores normal nasal function by addressing nasal congestion, snoring and rhinitis.
  • 질문 What is Fat Grafting?
    In Fat Autologous Muscle Injection (FAMI), fat harvested from a certain body part of a patient is transplanted into other areas to rejuvenate the skin. A woman who has sunken cheeks and look older for her age can look rejuvenated and younger with the FAMI. The FAMI can be used to soften nasolabial folds and marionette lines, reinflate depressed scars, revolumize sunken temples and cheeks, and rejuvenate the eye area, in order to give a satisfactory result for a patient. Fat is usually harvested from a patient’s abdomen and inner thighs.
  • 질문 What kind of implants do you use for breast plastic surgery?
    We use Cohesive Gel or Cogel implants for breast plastic surgery. Cohesive Gel is in gel state like jelly, which is literally more cohesive than existing silicone in liquid state.

    1. High Safety
    The implant has an outer coat designed in multi-layers. As it is highly cohesive, it won’t leak into the body even if the implant is ruptured.
    2. Natural Feel
    As Cohesive Gel implants feels natural, women think of the implant as part of their own body. When they lay on their back, the Cohesive Gel implant will spread into a natural and beautiful shape.
  • 질문 What is liposuction? How is the procedure done?
    Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that removes hypodermic fat deposits, which are out of proportion to the rest of the body or to a pathological excess, by using sound pressure or ultrasound. The procedure can improve body contour into a well-composed curvy figure.

    There are three types of liposuction;
    1) Suction-assisted Lipoplasty (SAL)
    The procedure suctions out fat with the sound pressure by moving the cannula attached to the vacuum pump up and down.
    2) Power-assisted Lipoplasty (PAL)
    This procedure uses the same mechanism as the suction assisted lipoplasty but with a motor powered cannula. In the power-assisted lipoplasty, the cannula automatically moves up and down to cut through tissue and fiber to suck out fat with much less effort than the suction-assisted lipoplasty.
    3) Ultrasound-assisted Lipoplasty (UAL)
    This procedure can selectively suction out only fatty tissues after liquefying fat with ultrasonic energy. Its advantage is that it causes no tissue damage or blooding, while the disadvantage is that patient many have to run the risk of burns to the skin or tissue.
  • 질문 What kinds of procedures are available to get double-eyelids?
    1) Incision Method
    This is the most common procedure, which makes double eyelids by incising the skin along the path planned selected. This can be applicable to those who have drooped eyelids, fatty eyelids, or bilateral asymmetric double eyelids. The effect is nearly permanent and visible compared to the buried suture method. The incision method can be done on all types of eyelids. The surgery will take about one hour under local anesthesia. In 3 to 5 days after the surgery, patients have the sutures undone. Although a swollen face will calm down after one week, it takes about 3 to 3 months to look natural.

    2) Intradermal Suture Method
    The method uses a few pairs of oblique holes through which suture materials may pass instead of incising the skin. It does not leave any scar because it involves no incision. The recovery time is faster that the incision method. However, if eyelid muscle and skin is thick, sutures may come undone. For those who need to remove excessive fat or skin or correct bilateral asymmetric double eyelids, the procedure is not recommendable. The swollen eyelids can calm down soon but it takes 2 to 3 months to look natural.

    3) Partial Incision Method
    This method makes up for shortcomings of both incision method and intradermal suture method. By making an only 2-3 mm skin incision, it can make double eyelids and remove excessive fat at the same time. If successfully performed, a small incision does not leave any scar and the recovery time is much faster. The chancing of eyelids coming undone is very low compared to the intradermal suture method. However, it is not recommendable for those whose eyelid skin is too thick or who are in need of correction or have other medical needs.
  • 질문 I want to get my teeth whitened.
    The tooth color is segmented into 14 different shades. Our dental whitening treatment can usually make your teeth up to 7 shades whiter. However, if patients’ teeth have hereditary disorders and get discolored by some medicines, they might not get dental whitening treatments. For more details, please contact us. We are more than happy to assist you with a detailed consultation.
  • 질문 Can you tell me more about Rapid Orthodontic Treatment?
    Rapid orthodontic Treatment is to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement by stimulating the metabolism of alveolar bon using specially designed tools and techniques. Its advantage is that it can reduce time required for an orthodontic treatment with special tools and techniques. Rapid Orthodontic Treatment causes the least damage to teeth and gums, and is the most physiological treatment among all existing orthodontic treatments.
  • 질문 I have cavities. What should I do?
    Cavity treatment can vary depending on severity. Light symptom can be cure in 1 to 3 days. When patients have severe pain and need root canal treatment, it can last for 2 weeks, and patients need to visit a dental clinic three to four times to get treatment.
  • 질문 What do I have to do to get a treatment?
    A patient applies for consultation at the official website. → Chungbuk’s Medical Tourism Association or related hospitals application received the patient’s application. → An email will be sent to the patients to explain the concerned procedure and the medical tourism process in their native languages.
  • 질문 How long does it take to get a comprehensive health screening?
    It usually takes 2-3 hours. However, if a patient wants a conscious sedation endoscopy, the recovery time may vary depending on individual conditions. As women have more test items than men, it will take 30 minutes longer for female patients to complete a comprehensive health screening than their male counterparts.