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  • 부서 : 보건정책과
  • 문의전화 : 043-220-3144
FAQ 상세보기 - Title, Contents, Files, Category 제공
What is Nasal Septum Rhinoplasty?
Contents The septum is a vertical partition that divides the nose into two compartments. As it uses autologous tissues, this procedure does not cause any side effects. As septal cartilage is more easily harvested in rectangle shapes than ear cartilage, it is the ideal grafting material to lift the nasal tip. As septal cartilage has stronger tissues than ear cartilage, the grafting will last for a long time. Nasal Septum Rhinoplasty is a premium procedure that not only enhances the cosmetic appearance of the nose but also restores normal nasal function by addressing nasal congestion, snoring and rhinitis.
Category Plastic surgery and Dermatology